Fitness Center

As of 01 July 2023 until this message is removed, the entire facility has been 100% privately and exclusively leased. No inquiries will be answered. 


NEC’s on-site fitness center caters to equine athletes in steady performance training as well as leading up to or following intense competition, between seasons, or augmenting regular training.


The NOVA Equine Fitness Center (NEFC) focuses on supporting the entire well-being of every ridden horse through targeted, low-impact treatments based on each horse’s needs, owner’s goals, and veterinarian’s guidance. Backed by scientific research, NEFC is the premiere destination for owners and trainers with their horse’s health and longevity at the forefront of their mind. Haul-in, overnight and extended stays available.



Learn about our services based on your horse’s discipline, performance goals, and targeted areas of concern.
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Find a fitness package that suits your needs, compliments your training program, and fits your schedule.
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The Science of Fitness

NOVA Equine Fitness Center offers fitness packages based on real science and real results.
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Click on each outcome goal below to explore the benefits our fitness sessions target.

Increase your horse’s ability to work longer and harder. Speed recovery with a faster return to resting heart rate. Be better prepared for tomorrow’s competition. Great aerobic workout.

  • Cardiovascular –  Improves recovery, aids in endurance, enhances lung and heart performance. Perform at a higher physical level or sustain the same level for longer       

Rebuild atrophied muscles and restart proprioceptive nerve pathways for improved coordination with safe, low impact fitness sessions proven to aid horses recovering from EPM.

  • Coordination – Restarts proprioceptive nerve pathways
  • Muscling – Rebuild atrophied muscles

Jump higher or sit back longer. Developing larger and stronger muscles are critical to healthy sustainable performance.

  • Muscling – Reduces injuries by stabilizing joints effectively and preventing muscle strain
  • Core strength – Promotes a strong topline, relaxed carriage, and prevents or reduces spinal discomfort

Just as important as muscling, the ability and adjust and adapt to changing loads and forces.

  • Range of Motion – Improves shoulder lift, stride length, bend, and overall balance
  • Core Strength – Promotes a strong topline, relaxed carriage, and prevents or reduces spinal discomfort

Aid your horse’s recovery post-injury or post-surgery in a safe, low-impact, results-yielding program that is customized with your veterinarian’s approval and recommendations.

  • Core Strength– Promotes a strong topline, relaxed carriage, and prevents or reduces spinal discomfort
  • Muscling– Aids in conditioning, improves strides, and is an excellent overall workout for most horses
  • Range of Motion– Improves shoulder lift, stride length, and overall balance

Prepare your horse for competition by building muscle, increasing cardiovascular performance, and shortening recovery time in a healthy, safe way to prevent injury or strain in the upcoming season.

  • Muscling – Aids in conditioning, improves strides, and is an excellent overall workout for most horses
  • Cardiovascular – Improves recovery, aids in endurance, enhances lung and heart performance

Recover and prepare in the middle of your horse’s performance season by promoting elasticity, flexibility, and injury prevention with fitness sessions between competitions.

  • Stretching – Improves elasticity, flexibility, and aids in injury prevention
  • Range of Motion – Improves shoulder lift, stride length, and overall balance

Aid your horse’s recovery after a competition season with low-impact fitness program designed to reduce injuries by stabilizing joints effectively, prevent muscle strain, and regain condition lost to soreness and fatigue.

  • Recovery – Improves the ability to rebound after performance with less fatigue
  • Strength – Reduces injuries by stabilizing joints effectively and preventing muscle strain
  • Range of Motion – Improves shoulder lift, stride length, and overall balance

Prepare your horse with regular fitness sessions to add attractive muscle and great overall condition before the sale.

  • Muscling – Aids in conditioning, improves strides, and is an excellent overall workout for most horses

Need to shave minutes or seconds off you competition times? Proven to increase speed by 17%.

  • Cardiovascular – increase lung capacity and volume
  • Range of Motion– Improves shoulder lift, stride length, and overall balance
  • Muscling – recruit muscles to enhance movement

Getting tired of going around and around in the same arena? Need a change of pace or venue?

Win-win by coming to NEFC for a healthy and sustainable alternative to the usual pounding needed to maintain body mass and tone.

Continue training in extreme heat, cold, rainy and icy seasons with safe fitness sessions available year round in our climate controlled facility.


Click on each outcome goal below to explore the benefits our fitness sessions target.

Build core muscles that promote a strong topline, encourage a relaxed carriage, and prevent or reduce spinal discomfort while increasing range of motion and flexibility. Increase core stability and strength.

  • Core Strength – Promotes a strong topline, relaxed carriage, and prevents or reduces spinal discomfort
  • Range of Motion – Improve suppleness and extension
  • Strength – Increase muscling of core and hind end to rock back confidently engaging both flexor and extensor muscle groups simultaneously

Targeting the cardiovascular benefits of exercise, fitness sessions build your endurance horse’s stamina and aid in performance recovery for a faster rebound post-race.

  • Stamina – Improves the duration of work before muscle fatigue occurs
  • Cardiovascular – Improves recovery, aids in endurance, enhances lung and heart performance
  • Recovery – Improves the ability to rebound after performance with less fatigue

Improve physical performance for all three phases with low-impact training focused on enhancing aerobic capacity, stamina, core strength, and ability to rebound with less fatigue.

  • Speed – Improves physical performance by enhancing aerobic capacity and stamina
  • Strength – Reduces injuries by stabilizing joints effectively and preventing muscle strain
  • Cardiovascular – Improves recovery, aids in endurance, enhances lung and heart performance
  • Recovery – Improves the ability to rebound after performance with less fatigue

Improve joint stability for uneven terrain and stamina for endurance in the hunt with regular, focused fitness training designed to improve muscle tone and cardiovascular performance.

  • Stamina – Improves the duration of work before muscle fatigue occurs
  • Speed – Improves physical performance by enhancing aerobic capacity and stamina
  • Cardiovascular – Improves recovery, aids in endurance, enhances lung and heart performance

Enhance the speed of your jumper and strength of your hunter to produce better stamina, balance, and power before each round while minimizing risk of muscle strain and injury.

  • Speed – Improves physical performance by enhancing aerobic capacity and stamina
  • Strength – Reduces injuries by stabilizing joints effectively and preventing muscle strain

Improve muscling, stride, speed, joint stability, and core strength to promote a more balanced run, quick start, harder stops, and precise movement in the show pen.

  • Muscling – Aids in conditioning, improves strides, and is an excellent overall workout for most horses
  • Speed – Improves physical performance by enhancing aerobic capacity and stamina
  • Core Strength – Promotes a strong topline, relaxed carriage, and prevents or reduces spinal discomfort

Target the muscles in your roping horse’s topline and haunches for an improved physical performance, faster start, and sturdier athlete.

  • Speed – Improves physical performance by enhancing aerobic capacity and stamina
  • Muscling – Aids in conditioning, improves strides, and is an excellent overall workout for most horses

Help maintain fitness for long-term health. A fitter horse is a safer, better-balanced horse for the rider.

  • Stamina – Improves the duration of work before muscle fatigue occurs
  • Strength – Reduces injuries by stabilizing joints effectively and preventing muscle strain
  • Coordination – Enhance ability to navigate obstacles and varying terrains

Speed, bursts of power, and sharp turning – all required by a well-developed athlete in a high-demand sport. 

  • Speed – Improves physical performance by enhancing aerobic capacity and stamina
  • Strength – Reduces injuries by stabilizing joints effectively and preventing muscle strain
  • Cardiovascular – Improves recovery, aids in endurance, enhances lung and heart performance
  • Recovery – Improves the ability to rebound after performance with less fatigue

Increase speed, strength, and stamina with regular fitness sessions targeting the cardiovascular endurance of your racehorse’s heart and lungs.

  • Speed – Improves physical performance by enhancing aerobic capacity and stamina
  • Strength – Reduces injuries by stabilizing joints effectively and preventing muscle strain
  • Cardiovascular – Improves recovery, aids in endurance, enhances lung and heart performance

Build core muscles that promote a strong topline and encourage a relaxed carriage while increasing range of motion and stride length.

  • Core Strength – Promotes a strong topline, relaxed carriage, and prevents or reduces spinal discomfort
  • Range of Motion – Improves shoulder lift, stride length, and overall balance
  • Strength – Reduces injuries by stabilizing joints effectively and preventing muscle strain
Increase speed and stabilize joints to prevent injury with regular strength training for the ultimate performance edge when every second counts.
  • Speed – Improves physical performance by enhancing aerobic capacity and stamina
  • Strength – Reduces injuries by stabilizing joints effectively and preventing muscle strain

Schedule Fitness Sessions

Please complete the form below to request fitness services and a member of our team will be in touch. You may also contact us at 703-988-5001 for assistance in creating a customized fitness plan for your horse or to schedule services.

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